It’s Time to Deep-Six the UN
A few highlights:
The UN has outlived its usefulness, if indeed it ever had any. It has gone past the point of being an ineffectual joke, and entered a new stage where it actively and deliberately aids those people and regimes that most Americans consider evil….
The UN is good for nothing. The only things it can do are to skim money off its funding to line the nests of its apparatchiks, procure underage sex-slaves for its peacekeepers, and pass resolutions condemning Israel….
The real truth of the matter, the ugly truth that makes America hated and reviled the world over, is that the only force capable of keeping the peace in the world today is the armed might of the United States of America. No country can remain at war if America has the desire and will to stop it. And, without the help of the United States, the UN is a shrill but ineffectual bystander.
The President has taken an oath to preserve and protect the citizens of this country. He will violate it if he does not, with deliberate speed, begin the work of extricating us from the United Nations. Our treaty obligations cannot require us to commit national suicide.
Saying that the Chief concurs is a severe understatement! Check out the posting. The six listed specific and detailed fatal flaws of the UN alone are worth it – great sticks to flog your local internationalist moonbats.