Like, what else would they propose – MORE government, of course.
Obama proposes new consumer agency
The Obama administration Tuesday proposed legislation for a financial oversight agency designed to protect consumers and investors from unscrupulous deals – a plan praised by Democrats, but met with skepticism on Wall Street.
The proposal also faces a political tussle on Capitol Hill, where pro-business Republicans have opposed past administration attempts at bank reform.
The White House sent Congress a 152-page draft bill to create the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, which it says would offer greater consumer protections for such financial products as mortgages, credit cards and loans by establishing simpler and more transparent rules and regulations.
Lets call a spade a spade here. First off…another new agency? Isn’t there ANYTHING they can cook up that doesn’t expand the government?
Far and away the greatest part of the financial difficulties that people get into is by having an attitude that “the rules don’t apply to me”, and that “someone has the obligation to give me the money I want to have the things I WANT to have, whether I can REALLY afford them or not.” Taking on consumer debt to acquire an ever bigger, and admittedly more impressive pile of “toys for big boys (and girls)” is NOT any more viable in the long run than is the Federal government’s massive and apparently unlimited expansion of ITS debt load.
What else would one expect B.O. to do than put in an agency that will effectively facilitate further expansion of consumer credit, while inevitably providing more “protective” regulatory loopholes. Apparently, if it’s sauce for the Federal goose, then it’s also sauce for the consumer gander.
NOT what we really need in either case!
The idea that government doesn’t work, so we shouldn’t even try is, in my opinion, suicidal. I really think you conservatives need to drop it because it isn’t helping anything.
I’m not against the idea of wanting a smaller government. I mostly just want one that works and is efficient. If having a new federal agency to help stop the problems that are happening with our financial system, then I say we try that.
Do Republicans have any better ideas? All they seem to want is unfunded tax cuts that increase our debt. No thanks.
“If having a new federal agency to help stop the problems that are happening with our financial system, then I say we try that.”
we already have this several times over. why do we need another one to duplicate over-site that already exists but it not used.