EPA Proposal: Help Environment Or Increase Costs?
The government is considering a plan that could help the environment, but some say it could also hurt your budget.
Two things here: (1) It WILL hurt your budget (and the economy, employment, etc.) (2) It won’t make any real difference in the environment. Over geologioc time, there is NO noticeable correlation between climate and CO2:
Notice the WIDE variations between the temperature and CO2 fluctuations? If CO2 level drove temperature, as CO2 increased, so would temperature. This just is NOT present in the data! Nonetheless…
The Environmental Protection Agency wants to require large industrial facilities to get more permits if they emit more greenhouse gases. The plan targets power plants, refineries, even ethanol plants.
The EPA’s proposal would cap greenhouse gas emissions at 25 thousand tons of carbon dioxide a year. The EPA says it would mean a healthier environment, economy, and future for America. But some Republicans including Senator John Thune disagree.
Good for them. The Chief also disagrees in MANY ways!
Look at the list of South Dakota facilities that emitted more than 25 thousand tons of carbon dioxide last year in the table from the SD DENR lin the article linked from the header. Note that it hits a number of “green” facilities.
The Chief’s recommendation: