The Donkey party is throwing over another of B.O.’s repeated solemn pledges.
Senate Finance Committee dumps Obama’s tax promise
Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee, which is considering President Obama’s health insurance reform plan, has voted down an amendment which provides that “no tax, fee or penalty imposed by this legislation shall be applied to any individual earning less than $200,000 per year or any couple earning less than $250,000 per year.†[emphasis added]
You might recall that President Obama promised no tax increases whatsoever, of any kind, on earners making less than those amounts. But don’t bet on him to veto this bill.
The committee vote on the amendment, proposed by Republicans Mike Crapo (Idaho) and Pat Roberts (Kan.), was 11 in favor, and 12 against. All Republicans and one Democrat voted in favor of the amendment. All 12 opposed were Democrats.
Ladies: Carry your purses tucked under your arms, with the strap over your shoulder.
Men: Do not carry wallet in your rear hip pocket.
Be alert at all times!