A Breath of Enviro Sanity

It’s not the end of the world

The Aussies have apparently located a major clue:

The world’s scientists are getting a clearer idea of just how the Earth’s climate is changing and just what that means for us humans living and working on it. Rejecting doomsday scenarios, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has projected a rise of 3C in average daily global temperature by the end of the century, assuming greenhouse gas emissions remain stable. According to a draft report obtained exclusively by The Weekend Australian, the world’s top climate scientists have narrowed the band of predicted temperature rises and all but eliminated the possibility of a 5.8C average temperature increase mooted when the group last met in 2001. In other words, according to the IPCC, the planet is heating up — but nowhere near as much as once thought or feared. The report is particularly valuable as a rebuke to that radical and disproportionately loud fringe of greenies and leftists who treat environmentalism as a religion for whom humanity’s sinful, decadent ways threaten to bring down the wrath of nature or the gods and must be changed. It is also further evidence that such alarmist scenarios such as the “hockey stick” theory (so named for the shape of the line on the graph it is taken from) are, well, overheated.

There’s more, worth taking a look. The moonbats will NOT be pleased!