Administration Channeling Hillary’s VRWC

White House Blames E-Mail Controversy on ‘Sinister Conspiracy Theories’

The White House is blaming the controversy over its Web site and mass e-mails on viral rumors, “fear-mongering” and “sinister conspiracy theories” even as it acknowledges problems with its online practices.

Sounds like Hil’s “Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy” is still officially out there! Oh, yeah – no big deal meanwhile: nothing to worry about concerning those pesky “problems with on-line practices” that they found.

After confirming to FOX News over the weekend that third-party groups could be responsible for official White House e-mails that have been sent to people who never signed up for them, President Obama’s new media director took to the official White House blog to “clear up” the confusion.

Oh-oh. To “clear up confusion”? We’re in trouble now!

In a posting Monday night, Macon Phillips again pointed the finger at “outside groups of all political stripes” but downplayed the backlash over the unwanted e-mails spam….Phillips confirmed that the White House had implemented new security measures on its Web site to prevent the problem. He insisted that the White House does not want any unsolicited e-mails spam going out.

Translation: lefty groups were “salting” the e-mail list, but we can’t just blame them, so we’ll be inclusive with the “all political stripes” label to appease our pet bloggers, and we HAVE say something since nobody likes spam-mail.

Phillips also confirmed that the e-mail account set up to field submissions from the public on “fishy” information about health care reform has been deactivated. This development was reported Monday morning by FOX News. Critics had raised questions about how that information would be used and some accused the White House of fishing for entries for an “enemies list,” a charge the White House rejected.

Again…another problems solved! Right? WRONG! Read on:

Phillips said the e-mail account was closed and the public was redirected to the “reality check” site to “consolidate the process.

“People can still submit “fishy” information about health care reform through the “reality check” Web site, set up by the White House last week to rebut health care rumors.

Translation: We’ll keep doing the same thing as before, but we’ll change the web site and call it something different now. “See? With that nasty ‘flag@white’ gone, the problem is solved! Nothing to see or do here anymore, move along and go back home.”

In the Chief’s former Naval environment, a situation like this would be pungently describes as something including the adjective “cluster”. ’nuff said.