Big Brother Proposal by Dem Cong

Congressman wants government GPS in cars

This is NOT so you can find your destination more easily!

An Oregon congressman says he wants to test having a government GPS unit in every car so a tax could be imposed on the miles driven. The proposal, H.R. 3311, which calls for a test project costing $150 million-plus, was introduced by Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore.

Really… it would only be to monitor miles. Of course, there are a few other features that COULD be used in the future for additional purposes to allow the USSA to control your activities down more effectivelybe able to help you more efficiently.

what other applications would there be for a GPS unit attached to each car in the nation?

What about “shutting down the vehicle when its allotted emissions cap had been reached.”

“Why not?” Lamb wrote, “The current cap-and-trade bill would limit industrial emissions and force each business to pay an extra tax for the privilege of emitting additional carbon dioxide. Why not arbitrarily assign a weekly or monthly cap on auto emissions and shut down the vehicle when that limit is reached? The new Global Positioning Satellite device would have that capability.

“Every American ought to be outraged that such a system is even contemplated,” he continued. “This system is the tool that makes slaves of every person who depends upon a vehicle. Every person should consider just how his life would be changed if he were required to get approval from the federal government to start his car.”[emphasis added]

Lamb said shutting down a vehicle would be among the less intrusive possibilities.

“The proposed GPS road tax system could easily be programmed to listen to and record conversations inside any vehicle. It could stop a vehicle, lock the occupants inside and notify the ‘jack boots’ that the occupants were en route to a tea party,” Lamb wrote. “We would hope that the federal government would never sink to the level of paranoia that gripped Nazi Germany. But then, we also hoped that the federal government would never sink to the level of labeling legal, peaceful assemblies, such as the recent tea parties, as gatherings of potential terrorists.”

Words fail…