Obama’s spies monitoring Jews house-to-house
‘They try to mingle with us to get more information on what we’re doing’
The Obama administration has set up an apparatus to closely monitor Jewish construction
in Jerusalem and the strategic West Bank to the point of watching Israeli moves house-to-house in certain key neighborhoods, WND has learned.Obama has called for a complete halt to what he refers to as settlement activity, meaning Jewish construction in eastern Jewish or the West Bank. Obama’s edict extends to natural growth, or accommodating for the housing needs of existing local settler population centers. The demand is an apparent abrogation of a deal Israel struck with the Bush administration to allow natural growth.
Hmmmm. Think, think…hasn’t stuff like this happened before somewhere/somewhen? Oh yeah, those lovely folks of the 3rd Reich Marching and Singing Society with their spiffy uniforms started with stuff like this in the 30’s.
Yesterday marked the second time the past three weeks Israel’s ambassador has been summoned by Washington to protest Israeli conduct in eastern Jerusalem. Last month, Oren was summoned by the State Department to demand a Jewish construction project in eastern Jerusalem be immediately halted.
The construction project, financed by Miami Beach philanthropist Irving Moskowitz, is located just yards from Israel’s national police headquarters and other government ministries. It is a few blocks from the country’s prestigious Hebrew University, underscoring the centrality of the Jewish real estate being condemned by the U.S.
OK – the Foggy Bottom Boys at the State Department are DEMANDING to control what Israel is building in their own country?!
Netanyahu strongly rejected the State Department demand, telling a cabinet meeting Israel’s sovereignty over Jerusalem was not a matter up for discussion. “Imagine what would happen if someone were to suggest Jews could not live in or purchase [property] in certain neighborhoods in London, New York, Paris or Rome,” [emphasis added] he said just after his ambassador was summoned.
“The international community would certainly raise protest. Likewise, we cannot accept such a ruling on eastern Jerusalem,” Netanyahu told ministers.
By the way…if you don’t know what Einsatzgruppen were, start here. I know…it can’t happen here…can it?
On the other hand, when B.O. calls for establishing a civilian domestic security corps, as large as, as well trained as, and equipped as well as the military…this was done before in history…it was called the S.S.