B.O. Honoring Anti-semite ex-UNcrat

from PowerLine

The Mary Robinson caper; who done it?

I don’t think we’ve commented on President Obama’s decision to bestow the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Mary Robinson, the former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights who headed up the Durban Conference Against Racism that became an anti-Semitic hate-fest (the Unites States and Israel boycotted it, to Robinson’s dismay). Robinson’s history of consistent animosity towards Israel has caused Abraham Foxman, head of the Anti-Defamation League, to criticize the selection. Foxman calls Robinson “a lead cheerleader for the Palestinian narrative” during her time as High Commissioner. He explains:…

In addition to examining the reasons for severely doubting the worthiness of Ms. Robinson for this award, the post goes on to make an attempt to see exactly whose fingerprints in the B.O. administration are on this smudged award.