“End of Life Counseling” in Obamacare – Yech!

Sounds like something from the classic dystopian movie Soylent Green, or motion in the direction of a quasi-Nazi elimination of financially inconvenient seniors (“useless eaters”) who would only continue to consume valuable resources to live IF given necessary treatment.

Unfortunately this really IS in the bill (page numbers cited below).

Government ‘counselors’ on end of life treatment

The House version of the Health Care Bill is going to require (p 425-430) mandatory counseling for all seniors at a minimum of every five years, more often if the senior is sick or in a nursing home.

Just how many government trained counselors will that put into the work force? With an over 65 population of 38,000,000 US (Census, 2007), 4 counseling sessions daily, over 37,000, at a minimum, that’s how many. Plus their supervisors, plus the report readers, plus the oversight agency.

This is bad enough on its own (de)merits, without considering the following contrast, which makes things even worse:

Don’t even think that anyone should receive mandatory counseling regarding the end of life issues surrounding abortion; that’s a invasion of the right of privacy! “Counsel” a senior about their end of life “choices” under Obama Care? Somehow that’s not the same, so just keep your mouth shut.

This REALLY creeps me out! Who could trust the GOVERNMENT for something like this?  Would you trust YOUR loved ones life and death decisions to a government bureaucracy?   If you would, I truly hope you get the government you want…just leave ME out of your National Socialistic nightmare!