A breath of political fresh air!

FINALLY! A politician/government wonk who admitted what was clearly evident to rational observers of public affairs!

Jacqui Smith: I wasn’t up to being Home Secretary

Jacqui Smith has admitted she was not up to being Home Secretary – and should have been given some proper training before she was handed the job.

Somehow the Chief thought the idea was to appoint people who already were qualified for the job.
(Silly me, to have such obviously unrealistic expectations)

Ms Smith, who is likely to be remembered for claiming expenses for a porn film watched by her husband, said any success she had was down to luck rather than skill.

She added: “When I became Home Secretary I’d never run a major organisation. I hope I did a good job but if I did it was more by luck than by any kind of development of skills.

Now, to get this “truth or consequences” virus across the big pond from Britain to Washington!!!