BLOGNOTE: Posting has been kind of spotty lately due to a road trip…am currently in Boston, and soon after returning home next week, will be out again on an 18 day “historiography” road trip as part of a Master’s degree program that the Chief is in through a U.S.D. grant.
I hope to keep up with posting somewhat…but it will likely be “catch as catch can” for most of the month of June.
Stop by and say “howdy” when you’re around =|;)
Sounds like a fun trip! It’s wonderful to have a government that will provide public dollars to support our personal educational pursuits, isn’t it?
Chief’s reply: Thanks for the observation…let me elaborate one thing…the history road trip, and in fact, the whole program it is a part of IS a grant…from a PRIVATE foundation…NO government money there…USD is providing academic services to the granting foundation as a sort of contractor.
Your tax dollars NOT at work!”