UK Turning Towards a Post-IngSoc Sanity

Police signal beginning of the end for hunt ban

The Chief is something of an ancestral-based anglophile, although this has been harder and harder to maintain in the face of the many idiocies of the current and long-running Labor IngSoc regime. This relates to only one of these inanities.

The writing is very clearly on the wall for the ridiculous Hunting Act, with the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) advising police forces to end monitoring of hunts. In the words of Richard Brunstrom, Chief Constable of North Wales, “Hunting is definitely not a policing priority.”

One would hope not, considering the state of law and order in this country. Diverting police officers to monitor hunts, to appease a small group of anti-hunting fanatics, is an indefensible waste of law enforcement resources.

Another whole issue is raised there…the UK’s draconian gun laws have largely caused the decline in “the state of law and order in the country” by disarming the law-abiding, and making it open season for the perps…but I digress.

The whole farce of the Hunting Act cannot now have long to run, with Labour heading for annihilation at the next general election. The class-based hunt ban, which occupied an outrageous 700 hours of parliamentary time, is the iconic “achievement” of New Labour, a testament to its futility and its epitaph. Repeal of this tawdry legislation should be an early priority for the next parliament. To see this much-loved British sport restored to its former glory in the near future will be a potent signal that 12 years of tyranny and national degradation have finally ended.

The sooner the better for the current InsSoc’s AirStrip One to return to the status of being the United Kingdom.