B.O. – “What, me worry?”


President Obama said last night he’s confident Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal will not fall into the hands of enemies or terrorists because that country’s army understands how dangerous that would be.

“I’m confident that we can make sure that Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal is secure,” he said in his third prime-time press conference last night. “Primarily, initially, because the Pakistani army, I think, recognizes the hazards of those weapons falling into the wrong hands.”

This report is SOOOOO reassuring! Like the Paki Army is the acme of stability, and so much in control that OF COURSE there is no threat!

Yeah, sure.

Taliban forces — aided by elements of Afghan forces, as well as al Qaeda — have come within about 50 miles of the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, in recent days, threatening a critical US ally that possesses as many as 100 nuclear weapons. “We’ve got strong military-to-military consultation and cooperation,” Obama said.

I’m sure that the Islamofascists over there are really impressed by “consultation and cooperation”.

If you REALLY believe B.O. that there’s no pending threat over there, e-mail me about buying into some prime Moody County, SD tropical beachfront property. Have I got a deal for you…just as credible as B.O.’s. assurances.