Napolitano: We Don’t Need Strong Borders Against Flu
The Obama administration on Tuesday staunchly defended its “passive surveillance” policy on the emerging swine flu threat, saying that its measured, cautious border monitoring makes sense.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano declared that more draconian enforcement steps are not yet necessary, even as she acknowledged that officials “anticipate confirmed cases in more states.”
Let’s see now: things are surely going to get worse, but we don’t need to worry about controlling the border traffic from the primary source…HUH? Even the Euros and ChiComs are tightening things up.
Swine flu outbreak a ‘serious situation': Obama
US President Barack Obama said Wednesday the outbreak of swine flu had created a “serious situation” in the United States requiring the “utmost precautions.”
…apparently only as long as it doesn’t make Nap tighten up the border.