Under this scheme, apparently the Donks think that anyone who has a medical plan is (voila!) rich!
Didn’t B.O. himself promise to only increase taxes on the rich? If this tax scheme is put in place, then lots more of us MUST be richer than we thought, otherwise we wouldn’t be getting a tax increase, right?
(HA HA! Joke’s on us!)
Workers’ Health Benefits Eyed for Taxation
With President Obama’s plan to tax the rich to pay for health care facing deep skepticism on Capitol Hill, key lawmakers are pressing a different way to raise money: taxing the health benefits workers receive from their employers.
Since companies began offering group health insurance on a large scale during World War II, the value of that benefit has never been counted as income, reducing workers’ taxable earnings by an average of $9,000 a year for family coverage.
In recent weeks, however, Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), chairman of the tax-writing Finance Committee, has repeatedly advocated changing tax laws to include employer benefits, arguing that it makes sense to fund the health-care changes by sucking cash out of the existing system. Meanwhile, 13 other senators — from both sides of the aisle — have signed on to a plan for universal coverage that includes a tax on employer-provided benefits.
They’ll never stop. F.E.T.E.