Channelling JFK, Lincoln, or not?

Barack Obama rejects accusation that he is taking on too much too soon

Barack Obama has rejected the charge that he is taking on too much too soon, by comparing himself to Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D Roosevelt and John F Kennedy. The new president’s response ran the risk of reviving the criticism sometimes heard during his campaign and inauguration that he was prematurely ranking himself among the great American politicians.

Who is the real B.O.?  Backers are starting to wonder, too.

Even supporters are questioning whether or not the president would be better advised to concentrate all or most of his fire on reviving the economy, and in particular, finalising the details of saving the banking sector.

Warren Buffett, the billionaire investor and an early of support of Mr Obama, has criticised the government for a “muddled message”. David Brooks, a sympathetic if conservative columnist for the New York Times said that “Democrats apparently think that dealing with the crisis is a part-time job, which leaves the afternoons free to work on long-range plans to reform education, health care, energy and a dozen smaller things”.

The Chief submits that the pattern forming here is clear…B.O. has become a legend in his own mind.