Cow Tax Blowin’ in the Wind

Thune, Schumer Introduce “Cow Tax” Prevention Bill

Interesting situation.

First, it’s totally stupid that this even needs to be dealt with, but it shows that some of the ‘crats of EPA need to find a real job. Proposing taxes (oh, yeah – “fees”…right) on livestock produced gas? What would be next, regulating Jay Bush’s product line (of canned beans) to reduce potential “pollution”? But I digress.

Hopefully this will go through without much problem…it’s starting off with that rarest of birds…real bipartisan sponsorship, with Sen. Thune and Sen. Schumer (Donk – NY) getting the ball rolling. The Chief can’t imagine much Donk support for this coming out of states like Iowa, Missouri, Michigan, North Dakota, or even Minnesota (well, then again, if Franken takes the seat…).

U.S. Senators John Thune and Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) today introduced a bill (S.527) that will once and for all prevent the government from imposing an onerous “cow tax” on farmers across the country. Late last year, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) discussed regulating greenhouse gases in its Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking under the 1990 amendments to the Clean Air Act, which could include requiring farmers to purchase expensive permits. Although the EPA did not propose moving forward with the permits, Thune and Schumer are taking preventive action to protect America’s farmers. The “tax” would cost South Dakota farmers an estimated $367 million — or $175 per dairy cow, $87.50 per beef cow, and $20 per hog — fees that could put already struggling family farms on the brink of closure.

It’s highly unusual for the Chief to agree, and to grant some kudos to Sen. Schumer…IMHO he’s such a moonbat on so many issues…but in this case he is on the side of reason:

“Times are hard for families across New York State, and they are particularly hard for our farmers. The idea of a imposing a cow tax on our farmers and adding one more crushing burden is absurd,” Schumer said. “This bill will put an end to this inane `cow tax’ once and for all.”

“Inane”…yeah, that’s about right…

Below is the text of a letter from the American Farm Bureau Federation to Senator Thune and Senator Schumer supporting this legislation:

March 4, 2009

The Honorable John Thune
493 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Charles Schumer
313 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senators Thune and Schumer:

On behalf of the American Farm Bureau Federation, the nation’s largest general farm organization, I commend your bipartisan efforts to introduce legislation that would effectively prevent the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from imposing a fee or tax on American animal agricultural operations through the Title V permit program operated under the Clean Air Act (CAA). Farm Bureau supports this legislation and will encourage every senator to support it as well.

Last year, in an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) issued by EPA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture noted: “If GHG emissions from agricultural sources are regulated under the Clean Air Act, numerous farming operations that currently are not subject to the costly and time-consuming Title V permitting process would, for the first time, become covered entities. Even very small agricultural operations would meet a 100-tons-per-year emissions threshold. For example, dairy facilities with over 25 cows, beef cattle operations of over 50 cattle, swine operations with over 200 hogs, and farms with over 500 acres of corn may need to get a Title V permit.” (Federal Register, page 44377). Based on USDA’s concerns, Farm Bureau consulted public documents and data available from EPA and the Department of Energy (DOE)[1] and calculated that the cost of such permitting could equate to $175 per dairy cow; $87.50 per head for beef cattle; and $21.87 per hog in swine operations. We included these figures in our comments on the ANPR to the agency.

These comments quickly entered the vernacular as the “cow tax,” and reaction among farmers and ranchers across the nation was swift and widespread. While staff of EPA responded that the agency lacked authority for imposing such a tax, the agency in fact never spoke directly to the issue at hand – the fees associated with Title V permitting and how such fees might affect agricultural operations should the agency decide to regulate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under the Clean Air Act. Thus, the concerns farmers raised are real. They are all the more pressing now as the agency is reportedly looking at potentially regulating GHGs under the CAA.

The legislation you are introducing is timely and critical for farmers and ranchers. We welcome its introduction and look forward to working with you in favor of its consideration as Congress grapples with the many issues related to legislation that seeks to regulate and reduce carbon emissions.


Bob Stallman