Another massive spending bill on the agenda

After a week off taking a victory lap for passing an economic stimulus, Congress’ Democratic leaders return to Washington on Monday for a second race against the clock to pass another massive spending package.

This time it is a roughly $410 billion omnibus appropriations bill that would fund most of the federal government for the rest of the fiscal year, replacing stopgap funding that expires March 6.

KEEP THE PRESSES ROLLING! That’s the only way they’ll ever come up with the money to even come close to meeting their stated goals.

Of course B.O. says we’ll raise taxes on…you know who…the job creating class, known to the Donks as the “filthy rich”, who already pay an excruciatingly high percentage of the entire income tax loot total.

(If you’re curious about the acronymic header on this post, refer to the “Site Jargonology” link – warning: it ain’t that pretty at all, but IMHO it DOES fit right in!)