From Russia With Love…for the Hezbos Today, Chechens Tomorrow?

Israel humbled by arms from Iran

Abandoned Hizbollah positions in Lebanon yesterday revealed conclusive evidence that Syria – and almost certainly Iran – provided the anti-tank missiles that have blunted the power of Israel’s once invincible armour. After one of the fiercest confrontations of the war, Israeli forces took the small town of Ghandouriyeh, east of the southern city of Tyre, on Sunday evening, hours before a ceasefire brokered by the United Nations took effect.

Outside one of the town’s two mosques a van was found filled with green casings about 6ft long. The serial numbers identified them as AT-5 Spandrel anti-tank missiles. The wire-guided weapon was developed in Russia but Iran began making a copy in 2000.

And it gets even more interesting – it seems that not just Iran is playing this game:

Beyond no-man’s land, in the east of the village, was evidence of Syrian-supplied hardware. In a garden next to a junction used as an outpost by Hizbollah lay eight Kornet anti-tank rockets, described by Brig Mickey Edelstein, the commander of the Nahal troops who took Ghandouriyeh, as “some of the best in the world”.

And where did THESE come from?

Written underneath a contract number on each casing were the words: “Customer: Ministry of Defence of Syria. Supplier: KBP, Tula, Russia.” Brig Edelstein said: “If they tell you that Syria knew nothing about this, just look. This is the evidence. Proof, not just talk.”

Syria supporting the Hezbos should come as no surprise to anyone except the ostrich-head-in-the-sand moonbat wing of the Donks, but isn’t there something about the Russians supposed to know better, being one of the G8 and all? Besides, can’t they figure out that if the Hezbos are getting this stuff, there’s a good likelihood that the Chechens can get their hands on it too?

Although the Chief doesn’t want to see any Islamofascist groups strengthened by anyone, it would be a form of rough, ironic justice for the Russians to get their own rockets back up their as….er…back in their faces.