Senate passes $838 billion stimulus bill
Well, the formless legislative blob of the Gigabuck omnibus banking, finance, and industrial nationalization act has entered the maw of the Senate, moved into the inner digestive processes of lawmaking, and inevitably, appropriately (to according to the Great One and his DonkCong adherents) completed its passage through the belly of the legislative beast and emerged as…what can described as noted above: B.O.’s B.S. Bailout Bill.
Senate passage of an $838 billion stimulus bill triggered an intense round of late-night bargaining on Tuesday, with the White House and key congressional Democrats seeking agreement on a final compromise aimed at combatting the worst economic crisis in decades.
If you don’t like it, don’t worry, your grandkids will get to pay for it, and you won’t have to be bothered…that is, unless you think rationally, and still have a functional conscience.