Islamo Brains Fried by Cell Phones?

Men held in Michigan suspected of plan to attack Mackinac Bridge

This story is obviously all over the media, so the Chief won’t go though all the gory details again.

He does think that it may prove the inherent stupidity of at least one group of Islamos once and for all, apparently from too much exposure to cell phones.

…the men…say they simply purchase the cell phones, and resell them for more money. Louai Othman’s wife Lina Odeh says he was simply trying to support her and their two-month old daughter. Odeh says, “Their goal in Michigan was to buy as many phones as they could so they could make a profit over here.”

Hold that thought: “to make a profit”.

The men allegedly traveled to several states to buy pre-paid cell phones, despite policies at many stores limiting purchases to two or three phones at a time. Police in Wisconsin say these three men also bought phones in their state.

OK. They bought their phones in Texas, and Wisconsin at LEAST.

But, Othman’s wife says this is a common business,…

RIGHT! The Chief and his friends ALWAYS pay a premium price for cell phones to some guy selling them out of his trunk, instead of going to “Wally-world” where they “sell for less”.

and her husband is only being targeted because of his nationality. Odeh says, “There’s nothing wrong with it. I don’t know why they’re making a big deal out of it. Are ya’ll making a big deal out of this because all the Arabs are doing it?”

Noooo. It’s not because of Arabs doing anything…it’s because of Islamofascists doing wierd stuff…like trying to blow up anyone who’s not on thier side.

As if this in itself wouldn’t get one scratching their head in amazement, IF in fact the phones WERE going to be re-sold, why were they stripped out of their packaging, and the packages, batteries, and chargers were discarded? Also, said Islamos had also been doing a detailed photographic and videographic survey of the Mackinac Bridge.

In short, this whole incident reeks of extreme irregularity, and kudos are duly rendered to the law enforncement folks who caught on to this scheme before it got any further than it did.

As for Lina Odeh’s protestations – if she thinks that it’s so unfair in the USA, the Chief hopes she doesn’t let the door hit her in the butt on her way out and back to whatever sand-dune she originally called home.