Olmert: Israel dealt Hezbollah harsh blow; Netanyahu: Government’s goals not achieved
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Monday afternoon that Israel’s month-long military offensive in Lebanon had dealt Hezbollah a “harsh blow,” and vowed to continue to pursue the leaders of militant organization.
But speaking after Olmert, opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu of the Likud criticized the government for what he termed a failure to meet its self-declared aims.
Let’s see. The plan was that Hezboll’s military capacity was supposed to be attenuated so they were no longer a presence on the border, and that they not have the capability of rocketing Israel at will.
Now there’s a cease-fire in place, more or less rammed down Israel’s throat by the UN/US/France, before these objectives were accomplished. (Obviously so, since yesterday the Hezbos fired about 250 rockets into Israel, and in case you weren’t looking, little has changed on the ground since then.
The Chief would say the given the above statements of Olmert and Netanyahu, that the latter has a FAR better situational awareness than does the Israeli PM and his “peace” (at any price?) party.
If this stands as is, this could rank right up there with the results of the 1938 Munich agreement, which in its day was ballyhooed as the final solution to the Czechoslovakian problem, and the final land grab of the 3rd Reich Singing and Marching Society, otherwise known as the NSDAP, or Nazi party.
Another thing worth noting in all of this is the Koranic guidelines on when it is acceptable for an Islamic force to enter into a truce with an non-Islamic enemy. This is OK only when there has been a military reverse, and time is needed to rearm and restore the strength of the Islamic force, in order to effectively resume the attack at a later time and place.
Not exactly something to make one think that the Hezbos are ready to join us around the campfire singing “Kumbayah”.
This iteration of the Mid-East War won’t be over until somebody LOSES, once and for all. (You know, like Egypt and Jordan did before they signed REAL peace agreements with Israel.)
It can’t be Israel alowed to lose, without the UN and US acquiescing to a 21st century renewal of the holocaust at the hands of the Islamofascists. While the Chief wouldn’t put anything past the UN, now or ever, even in this cynical age he doesn’t think the US would allow this to occur, even given the current feckless emphasis on political correctness that is so enervating our efforts in the war against Islamofascism.
Israel, and the rest of us, are well advised to keep our powder dry, and keep a sharp eye on the situation since not only has the fat lady NOT burst into song yet, but she hasn’t even finished eating.