Obamacracy: ANYTHING GOES?

‘Anything possible,’ Obama tells joyous crowd

Two days from the White House, President-elect Barack Obama joined a vast throng Sunday at a joyous pre-inauguration celebration staged among marble monuments to past heroes. “Anything is possible in America,” declared the man who will confront economic crisis and two wars when he takes office.

So, what’s wrong with this? Sounds nice? Lots of possibilities? Right?

Er…what ever happened to Constitutional government? According to that ANYTHING is NOT possible…there are some definite limitations as to what any American government is allowed to do, even with a President Obama.

Unfortunately, the crop of politically ascendant LibDonks (admittedly the outgoing Bushites also) seem to have no cognizance if any restraint on their near-orgasmic response to the prospect of untrammeled government.

3 thoughts on “Obamacracy: ANYTHING GOES?”

  1. Curious to quote Bush to support B.O.

    Is that supposed to impress conservatives?

    IMHO Bush 41 wasn’t much of a conservative, and Dubya was even less of one (and McCain even less than that).

    Thus far I have seen nothing to make me want to trust B.O. not to do anything he thinks he can get away with, and the Constitution be damned. His early start at ruling by Presidential decree (Executive Orders) would tend to reinforce that concern.

    Rhetoric or not, the point remains.

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