From the American Spectator’s R. Emmett Tyrell:
It seems to me that the Islamofascists of Hezbollah have made a parlous mistake. They have demonstrated that they have missiles that can cause dreadful localized carnage and that they are continuing to improve those missiles.
Someday these weapons will be able to cause widespread carnage. Hezbollah’s killers have demonstrated that they will infiltrate their brutes into civilian neighborhoods and use suicide bombers. They have refused to abide by United Nations resolutions. They have revealed that they have powerful supporters in Syria and Iran. Actually, the Syrians and Iranians have not been coy about showing their support for Hezbollah’s brutal asymmetrical warfare, and here they too have made a mistake. In their unconscionable bellicosity, Hezbollah’s guerrillas, the Syrians and the Iranians have all donned bull’s-eyes. They have made themselves targets.
BINGO! Lock and load!
RET goes on and elaborates on this, arriving at the inevitable conclusion:
Thus the rational response to the nihilists in Hezbollah and Iran is clear. The popular term is to “defang” them. That will mean hitting Syria and Iran, and in the case of Iran the aerial attacks do not have to be very bloody. But Islamofascists with nukes are unthinkable.