Who CAIRs?

Muslim Group Upset by Bush’s Use of ‘Islamic Fascists’

A Muslim group criticized President Bush for saying that America is “at war with Islamic fascists” after U.K. authorities arrested 24 British citizens of Pakistani origin in an attempt to bomb numerous flights to the U.S. Thursday. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said the president’s “hot button” terminology puts the name of Islam and the Muslim community at risk.

A couple of thoughts here. First of all, “the name of Islam and the Muslim community” is put to risk not by correctly identifying the terrs as Islamofascists, but rather by said community’s tolerance and/or support for the Islamofascist terrorists. This includes the tendency of Islamic advocacy groups, like CAIR, to refuse to openly condemn acts of terrorism perpetrated by their co-religionists.

The second thought is that President Bush was spot on with his remarks. We are NOT at war with “terror” or terrorism. Terrorism is a strategy to implement a particular set of religio-ideological beliefs, i.e., Islamofascism. Those who subscribe to these beliefs are very properly described as Islamoascists.