Reid to Repeat Daschle Example?

Sen. Reid Hits the Ground Running in Uphill Re-Election Bid

We in South Dakota demonstrated what can happen when a LibDonk Senate Majority Leader gets so involved in national politicizing that he loses touch with what the home state voters think is really relevant to them; which in OUR case resulted in the end of the Senatorial career of ex-Senator/now B.O. cabinet designee Tom Daschle.

Now may be Nevada’s chance to repeat the process:

Sen. Harry Reid will command the biggest party majority of any Senate leader in a quarter century when the new Congress convenes in January. But the Nevada Democrat is already worried about his own re-election fight in 2010.

Sen. Reid, perhaps the most-vulnerable Democrat who will face re-election in a midterm race that is likely to favor his party once again, began interviewing campaign managers last week. The Senate majority leader also recently stepped up fund-raising.

Will Nevada repeat the phenomenon of a sitting Majority Leader being voted out? One can only hope!