B.O.’s Peace Plan for Afghanistan: MORE TROOPS!

This has GOT to drive the Daily Kossacks, moveon.orgs, and Donk Underground types crazy!

Barack Obama plans 20,000 troop surge to boost Afghan effort

Not only is this NOT withdrawel…the irony here is rich: the best Afghan policy is the same as the one Bush, Petraeus, et al applied to Iraq!

The President-Elect’s intention to shift the focus of the fight against terrorism to Afghanistan has been bolstered by Robert Gates agreement to stay on as Defence Secretary.

Mr Gates is a strong believer in an Afghan surge, which would not only put thousands more boots on the ground but involve negotiations with malleable branches of the Taliban.

It would also aim to boost co-operation with Iran and Pakistan where some elements have supported the anti-Western insurgency.

The need for more US troops in addition to the 32,000 already serving, has been accelerated by the Afghan presidential election in September 2009, and the voter registration process that begins in the New Year, Mr Gates said.