Hate to Say We Told You So, But…
Tech Central Station has had one of those deja-vu moments – pointing out the threat of Hezbollah just a month ago. The current war is now in it’s 30th day.
This part of the conclusion hits the nail on the head:
Accordingly, even more than when we wrote our pre-war apologia for the elimination of Hezbollah’s missile threat, Israel’s fight is America’s fight. If the United States government insists on a ceasefire at this point (as Secretary of State Rice appears to be doing by supporting a flawed United Nations resolution), it will not only undermine Israel’s security, but will betray the principles of the civilized world in general and our own national interests in particular. The Security Council deadline for Iran to suspend its nuclear program is less than a month away. Does any sane person really think that if the mullahs and their proxies emerge unscathed from their current adventure — recall that Hassan Nasrallah has asserted that Hezbollah “needs only to survive to win” — they will be more amenable to diplomatic efforts on an issue of even greater importance to them? Tehran has let loose its “dog of war,” Imad Mughniyeh. Can even the mullahs leash him again short of the Shi’a eschaton which he and Iran’s genocidal president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad want to hasten? Iran has, with impunity, been fanning sectarian tensions in neighboring Iraq for months, costing America both lives and treasure. If no consequences follow from the far more direct aggression of Iran’s Hezbollah proxy far from home, will the Tehran regime suddenly relent from meddling in Baghdad?
Both America’s mind as well as its heart should dictate that the administration lend even greater support for Israel’s belatedly vigorous self-defense against Hezbollah. The IDF’s lines in Lebanon have become the pivotal front of the global war on terrorism.
This just MIGHT have some further relevance to the reality on the ground. Check it out.