B.O. Pulls it Off: G-d Help Us All!


Goodbye to America (from The American Thinker)

No matter who wins Tuesday America is going to be a different country.

When the sun rises on November 5, regardless of who the president-elect is, a more un-United States than has existed since the Civil War will wake to dispute the results of the disgusting campaign that has mercifully come to an end.

November 4, 2008, could have been a shining moment in American history. After all, a black man is running for president, and might actually win. This should have united the country like never before, and come close to ending the racism that has been one of our nation’s banes since its inception.

However, because Obama used race to get himself to this point, while also pitting folks of differing incomes against each other for his own political benefit, it seems far more likely that tomorrow will divide our country like it hasn’t been in over a century ushering back in hatred that will make Martin Luther King Jr. roll over in his grave.

As a result, Tuesday has all the makings of a day that will live in infamy, for what “The One” has wrought will leave behind an America that resembles nothing like what we’ve asked in song for years be blessed.

Ironically, it seems the Messiah’s reverend will get his wish after all.

B.O.’s First Change:
