E.U. Emasculates Itself as Pirates Win

Pirates protected from EU task force by human rights

The E.U.’s have just GOT to be “stuck on stupid”.

The pirates of old at least knew where they stood if captured – they would be jailed and hung, or possibly made to walk the plank. But those policing the high seas today have no such potent sanctions to impose on 21st century buccanneers, as the human rights of the successors to Blackbeard and Captain Kidd are being put first.

The European Union’s first naval task force is due to arrive next month in the Gulf of Aden to combat the region’s unprecedented piracy scourge, which is being fuelled by the demand for cash and weapons in lawless Somalia. Ten EU countries, including Britain, have pledged support for the force – yet they may find it difficult even to make an arrest.

Uh, this is NOT rocket science guys. Nor is this a trick question: If your stupid laws forbid you from apprehending and punishing criminals…d’ya think it just MIGHT be time to change the laws?

“In the old days, when the navy would catch a pirate, they would tie his hands and feet and throw him back in the sea,” said Captain Andres Breijo, the Spanish head of the new anti-piracy mission, in an interview with The Sunday Telegraph. “Now they have human rights.”

The good Captain still remembers how to deal with piracy, from the day when ships were wood, and the men were iron. Now the ships are steel, and the men…oh, yeah…what men?