4 thoughts on “An American S.S. Planned?”

  1. if we had and american SS we would beevenstronger. The SS were the backbone of nazi germany and thats how they becameso powerful. Hitler wasnt a good man but his military strength and power made him one of the best leaders in history

    Chief’s reply:
    Phew! Where to start?
    Hitler was a successful politician when it came to acquiring power. His subsequent totalitarian and racial policies were an abomination. He also was a military idiot, who totally screwed up the conduct of the war…if he had spent his time skiing at Berchtesgaden and left the direction of the war to the likes of Guderian, Rommel, and Doenitz we would probably be speaking German. Fortunately for us, he was too megalomaniacal to do that!

    There have been many examples of elite military in history. The SS was a throwback to imperial despotism…with the allegiance to the person of the leader, not to the nation. Himmler, the SS leader, started as a chicken farmer, and evidently used that confinement model when he set up the camps…with one major exception…he treated the chickens better than he did people.

    Finally…yes…the SS WERE the backbone of Nazi Germany…and we BROKE THAT BACK, and properly laid the “1000 Year Reich” into the tomb of history.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish!

  2. If we had an SS ours would be stronger than what the nazis had. Hitler was and still is the most hated man in the world, If he listened had listened to his generals and commanders We the allies would have a harder time defeating him. Except eventually we would over come becuase its the world against a small amount of countries. If he didnt break that no attack thing that was going on between him and the soviet union; hewouldn’t have had to spread out like he did. That was probaly the mainreason they lost. He could have focused his troops around Normandy and other veryimportant areas. He could have won. Luckily he didnt. But still, if americans had an SS it would be 10 times stronger than Nazi germany, but we would use it for good not bad.

    Chief’s reply
    I don’t buy it…historically, any time there has been that sort of concentration of power there have been massive abuses. Personal loyalty to the leader? Again, no thanks.

    That sort of thing does fit within the so-called progressive model in the name of “efficiency”…eliminating governmental “friction. I’ll take the inefficient, “high friction” constitutional separation of powers.

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