Sen. Tim Johnson (Donk, SD) voted against the Great Gravy & Omnivorous Omnibus Bailout Bill (GGOOBB), while Rep. Sen John Thune voted in favor of it.
So who’s being more conservative these days?
Two probable factors involved here, in the Chief’s humble opinion.
(1) The DC Senate Donks KNEW there were PLENTY of votes to pass the GGOOBB and gave clearance with a wink and a nod to Johnson to vote no, in cognizance of his delicate condition as a Donk seeking re-election in SD, considered a solidly “Red” state (at least Presidentially).
(2) Sen. Thune has a LONG record of what was referred to in Naval Terminology as “brown-nosing” McCain, going back to the McCain-Feingold Political Speech Limitation & Incumbent Protection Act (otherwise known as campaign finance “reform”), and more recently, his EARLY heartfelt endorsement of McCain.
So, what’s new? Politics as usual? Maybe it’s a bit more cmplicated at that…the tax aspects of this thing are causing a number of libDonks to oppose it, or at the least to wrinkle their noses, while the otehr earmarks have the same effect on the conservatives. So who knows REALLY without reading the whole 400+ page GGOOBB.
Probably no one knows for sure, because no one has actually read the whole thing.