Asia Times’ Spengler goes into a sort of “Dear Abby” mode, all to very good effect. As usual, he is well worth the read, especially where he does an EXCELLENT job of comparing/contrasting the attitudinal differences between American Christianity, and what passed for same in Euro-land, and the American support for Israel.
Just a sample – read it and ponder, then check out the whole piece, it’s worth it:
What binds American Christians to Israel is that the inner journey of each Christian, in his conversion from Gentile to child of Abraham, recapitulates the story of Israel, just as Jesus’ own story recapitulates the entire story of Israel’s redemption. American evangelicals are not baptized and raised as Christians; they must become Christians at the age of sentience. But to become a Christian is to undertake Israel’s journey. You consider your Church to be Israel; evangelicals are children of Abraham by adoption, which is not to say that they are less loved by their foster father than the children of his flesh. But because they love their adoptive father, they love his natural children all the more.
This is really good stuff. Check it out!