New Degree Program Offered

You just gotta love The People’s Cube!

Obamology Studies at Hardfart University

Our Department has created a curriculum out of thin air and in a big hurry, enabling persons with some loose $100,000 to spend it on an undergraduate degree in the exciting new field of Obamology (the study of Obama.) Qualified candidates (i.e. those with extra $100,000) successfully completing 30 credit hours will obtain a B.O. degree (Bachelor of Obamology), which will not lead to a career or paying job or any such corporate entrapment, but it will help make you feel as if you are serving the community while you’re hanging around on the street corner.

Just a couple of samples of the course offerings from the Department of Theology, Mythology and Miscellaneology:

138 – Obama and Racism – Ms. Michelle Amabo – credits to each according to his need
Why disagreeing with Obama is racist. Why insinuating Obama is not qualified to do brain surgery on you is racist. Why things we don’t normally think of as racist become racist when doing them gets in Obama’s way. Why racism trumps sexism. Why, whenever Obama practices sexism, it is not sexism – and it’s racist to think it is. Why and when the words “circular reasoning” are racist.

366 – Obama’s Governance Principles – Mr. Alinsky – credit where credit is due
What is communism? Why communism got a bad rep. How to put a happy face on mass executions. Why totalitarian principles work. How to achieve reverence and blind obedience from the unwashed masses. How to remain unsullied while others do the dirty work for you. Why eliminating freedom, capitalism, and individualism is necessary and useful. Applying principles from “The Night of the Long Knives.” Why gun control is paramount. The movie “Soylent Green” will be viewed and discussed.

The Chief notes that although this program has been designated as a B.O., he strongly thinks that B.S. would be more appropriate for this subject.