Birds of a feather, and all that…

Poll: US-Europe relations need Obama

Here’s a shocker!

By significant margins, Europeans have high hopes for a potential Obama administration, according to a Transatlantic Trends poll of 12 European countries.

Forty-seven percent of Europeans believe an Obama victory in November would lead to a better relationship between the United States and Europe, versus just 5 percent who think Obama would weaken the trans-Atlantic relationship.

What’s it mean? Not a whole lot to us, since Europe isn’t part of the United States electoral process, in spite of the wishes of the MSM and others.

In other terms however, it’s no surprise at all: Euro-socialists recognize one of their own ilk, and of course, naturally favor him!

As far as the Chief is concerned, it’s yet one more reason to vote for the GOP, as flawed as they are in many ways.