A couple of items, that to the historical-minded are all too evocative of the bad old days of the Soviet Union:
Michelle’s Boot Camps For Radicals
Election ’08: Democrats’ reintroduction of militant Michelle Obama in Denver was supposed to show her softer side. But it only highlighted a radical part of her resume: Public Allies.
What’s this about?
The pitch Public Allies makes on its Web site doesn’t seem all that radical. It promises to place young adults (18-30) in paid one-year “community leadership” positions with nonprofit or government agencies. They’ll also be required to attend weekly training workshops and three retreats….
But its real mission is to radicalize American youth and use them to bring about “social change” through threats, pressure, tension and confrontation — the tactics used by the father of community organizing, Saul “The Red” Alinsky.
And then, there’s Joe Biden…the other part of the Donks’ ticket:
Election ’08: Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden says that, if elected, an Obama administration might pursue criminal charges against the Bush White House. This is how he plans to unite the country?
It was a common event, from the earliest days of the Soviet Union to purge, arrest, try, and execute the losers in policy disagreements. The reasoning ran, if your policy was rejected, it was because it would have been harmful to the progress of the Soviet Revolution…and therefore was treasonable!
Barack Obama insists he’s the one we’ve been waiting for to bring the country together. Yet, he and Biden are signaling their willingness — or is it their eagerness? — to criminalize political opposition.
“We will not be stopped from pursuing any criminal offense that’s occurred,” Biden said Monday at a Florida campaign stop. “If there has been a basis upon which you can pursue someone for a criminal violation, they will be pursued — not out of vengeance, not out of retribution, (but) out of the need to preserve the notion that no one, no attorney general, no president — no one is above the law.”
This follows Obama’s pledge last spring, before adopting his attack-dog running mate, that “If crimes have been committed, they should be investigated.”
This will play well with those segments of the Democratic Party where the hardware that keeps them hinged to reality has come loose. To treat their Bush Derangement Syndrome, nothing less than retaliation will do. And no matter how much Biden denies it, vengeance and retribution are driving the threats.
Is it really necessary to remind Democrats it is contrary to our system to imprison those with whom we don’t agree, that our republican form of government guarantees a peaceful transition of power? America is not a Third World dictatorship in which policy disputes are settled with the group in power throwing unpopular members of the other party into the cooler.
We agree with Biden that no one is above the law and said as much during Bill Clinton’s impeachment trial. But would Biden agree with us that the law shouldn’t be twisted so that it can be employed in vengeful and childish ways?
What can one say…these folks are a clear and present danger to our representative republic.
Keep your powder dry!
the problem for the democrats is that Bush did not act alone, how many members of congress are technically co conspirtors. Congress voted approval on the war actions, they voted to finance it, if the try to take Bush down they better take themselves down too.