McCain-Palin Ticket Ratified

Palin mocks Obama; McCain claims nomination

IMHO as a U.S. History teacher, the Chief proclaims this as an watershed historical event of some sort. Part of this is obviously the Donk nomination of B.O. as the first major-party nomination of a black candidate. The GOP, for its point nominated its first female member of its top ticket for 2008.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin claimed her historic spot on the Republican ticket Wednesday night, uncorking a smiling, sarcastic attack on Barack Obama and winning cheers of acceptance and approval after a tumult-filled first week on the national stage.

She vowed to help presidential nominee John McCain bring real change to Washington, saying “he’s a man who’s there to serve his country and not just his party.”

The full text of her speech is here, and if you didn;t watch it, it’s worth a look. She has no problem with both standing up for good conservative principles, and one could but probably should not dare say calling a spade a spade, and nailing B.O. on his vulnerabilities.

The Chief REALLY likes Sarah Palin…both for what she reperesents, and for her “narrative”. Any gal who shoots her own moose meat, has got to be all right in MY book, although there are a lot of similarly appealing things along with that.