Wikipedia Reference Burns GOP Campaign

Whalen camp draws fire for farce

Lee Breard from Bruce Whelan’s Congressional Campaign pointed out some very dubious Wikipedia entries to a number of bloggers, including the Chief, along with a “regular” journalist type from the RC Journal who posted it in the paper’s Mt. Blogmore political blog.

The Chief frankly wondered why he bothered about it at all, given the wide-open nature of the Wikipedia, where anyone can make and/or modify articles without restraint. To my way of thinking this automatically forces one to run up a BIG caution flag about it’s “information”.

While Breard’s e-mail DID raise some degree of question about the topics noted in Woster’s article, bringing it up at all seemed to possibly be presenting them as having some degree of credability at least.

As Woster notes – not a good thing for Breard to have done, and it gives the Donks something to flog him about now – unfortunate, and MUCH better than Whalen deserves.