The Answer Isn’t Blowin’ in the Wind

Yeah, but NOT the way you might think it is! The Chief just HATES to throw mudballs at popular ideas, but this one is just too irresistable. First, Momentous Pronouncements from the Argus’ esteemed (satire alert!) paragon of political and ideological objectivity:

Kranz: Pickens plan has promise for S.D

If they haven’t heard much about him, South Dakotans will certainly know soon enough about T. Boone Pickens. His message on the future of energy is resonating loudly enough, and that has created some interest.

Hey, isn’t it AMAZING what a multi-million dollar multimedia ad campaign can accomplish in this day and age?

A Sioux Falls man, Lee Brown, a consultant, already was working on some unrelated projects with people connected with Pickens. “They in turn recommended me to help in this effort since I am once again located in South Dakota,” Brown said. He now is state director for activities promoting the Pickens Plan in the state – a plan to change how energy is used in this nation.

From what the Chief has seen, Pickens’ plan has more to do with how energy is PRODUCED, not how it’s USED… but I quibble.

Brown says South Dakota is already ahead of the game. He knows the importance of alternative energy, particularly wind energy, as well as the benefits from its use. Brown is a political consultant by trade, but he now has taken on an additional project.

Hello? As if this ISN’T political?

“Wind has been on the radar screen for three years, and projects are being funded, looking at anything in renewable fuels,” she said. “The Pickens Plan is a positive step, putting a national focus on the idea that we need to quit sending money to people who really don’t like us. His plan has huge potential….Downside? “There is no downside,” she said.”

No downside? And what’s the bit about where the money is going to go? Uh…read on, and follow the money.  IMHO the following piece has some real deal-busters.

The Wind Cries ‘Bailout!’

To summarize: Pickens’ plan is NOT a realistic option for a variety of reasons.

First, it’s worth noting Pickens’ claim made in the op-ed that his plan requires no new government regulation. Two sentences later, however, he calls on Congress to “mandate” wind power and its subsidies.

Next, Pickens relies on a 2008 Department of Energy study claiming the U.S. could generate 20 percent of its electricity from wind by 2030. Setting aside the fact that the report was produced in consultation with the wind industry, the 20-by-2030 goal is quite fanciful. Even if wind technology significantly improves, electrical transmission systems (how electricity gets from the power source to you) are greatly expanded, and environmental obstacles (like environmentalists who protest wind turbines as eyesores and bird-killing machines) can be overcome, the viability of wind power depends on where, when and how strong the wind blows — none of which are predictable….

Then there’s the cost of the 20-by-2030 goal — $43 billion more than the cost of non-wind assets, according to DOE — and this doesn’t include many billions of dollars more for additional transmission lines.

Could the 20-by-2030 goal even be accomplished? According to Electric Utility Week (June 9), a DOE official informed attendees at a June wind industry meeting that reaching the goal would entail replicating the entire existing U.S. wind system (about 17,000 megawatts of capacity constructed over the past decade) every year starting in 2018. (emphasis added)

What about Pickens’ plan to shift us into natural gas vehicles?

Well, they cost a lot more: an extra $3,000 to $6,000 for cars and $30,000 to $40,000 for buses and trucks. There are only about 1,300 natural gas refueling stations in the U.S., as compared to about 180,000 conventional gas stations — that’s a lot of infrastructure to build and finance.

Will Pickens’ plan reduce our dependence on foreign oil? Doubtful.

Even if the fleet of natural gas-powered vehicles is enlarged, the bulk of existing and new vehicles will continue to depend for the foreseeable future on gasoline. Americans currently own about 260 million vehicles, a total that grows by more than 3 million new vehicles every year. Turnover is low as about 60 percent are owned for more than seven years. Besides, as demand for natural gas increases, so will prices. In the Washington, D.C. area, natural gas is already about two-thirds as costly as gasoline — and that’s with hardly any demand.

It gets even worse…WE get to pay for this all, and guess who makes a LOT of money on the deal…obtained from you and me, the taxpayers!

Not only does Pickens’ firm, BP capital, have significant investments in natural gas, but last June he announced plans to build the world’s largest wind farm in west Texas, capable of producing 4,000 megawatts of electricity. The federal government currently subsidizes wind farm operators with a tax credit worth 1.9 cents per kilowatt hour — potentially making for a tidy annual taxpayer gift to Pickens based on his anticipated capacity.

But all is not well in Wind Subsidy-land. Since Congress didn’t renew the wind subsidy as part of the 2007 energy bill, it will expire at the end of this year unless reauthorized. Subsidies are perhaps more important to the wind industry that wind itself. Without them, wind can’t compete against fossil fuel-generated power. As pointed out by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (July 9), “In 1999, 2001 and 2003, when Congress temporarily killed the credits, the number of new turbines dropped dramatically.”

It’s little wonder that Pickens is waging a $58 million PR campaign to promote his plan. If it works, his short-term gain will be saving the tax credit and his wind farm investment. In the long-term, he stands to line his already overflowing pockets with hard-earned taxpayer dollars.

The Chief REALLY wishes that this was all there was to this…but it gets even worse. Later posts will return to this topic, because this plan is really a pig with lipstick, and deserves all the attention that it can be given, because whatever we do, we DON’T need to pursue this billionaire’s tax-supported work-relief project.

2 thoughts on “The Answer Isn’t Blowin’ in the Wind”

  1. OK, so does the size of the blades and the amount of wind that it would take to turn them, bother anyone else, here? I’m talking efficiency, but I’m sure they just get it started and it goes all day!

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