Wikipedia Killer or Great Firewall of America?

Google Knol – Yup, it’s a Wikipedia killer

Google Knol, Mountain View’s answer to Wikipedia, launched last week and, while it can’t yet match the volume of articles on Wikipedia, its focus on accountability and ownership makes it a better choice for students and teachers.

Unfortunately, it gives the whole thing back to a supposedly more reliable “higher authority: to determine what is more accurate. In this case, whoever the GoG (Gods of Google) think is “reliable” gets heard.

Google wouldn’t weight things that way? Why not? Google people haven’t been bashful at expressing their own particular political opinions. Nor have they been hesitant at cooperating in erecting the “Great Firewall of China”, to help the ChiCom regime censor web content.

There is NO guarantee that these two things couldn’t be combined to give a bias to the coverage of Google Knol.

To give one possible (probable?) example; something like Glowbull Warming, where according to the major media and Al Gore there is no longer any debate POSSIBLE…except that the American Physical Society had recently stated that this is NOT the case, and that there is still a lot of SCIENTIFIC debate going on.

In short, I would rather have a no-holds barred mud-wrestle between various points of view from whatever source under a “caveat emptor” regime, than trust a corporate entity to “sanitize” and present what THEY determine to be the acceptable, orthodox view on possibly controversial topics.