Every picture tells a story…

Magazine cover featuring Obamas draws criticism

B.O.’s unhappy about this one for some reason:


Barack Obama’s campaign says a satirical New Yorker magazine cover showing the Democratic presidential candidate dressed as a Muslim and his wife as a terrorist is “tasteless and offensive.”

The illustration on the issue that hits newsstands Monday, titled “The Politics of Fear” and drawn by Barry Blitt, depicts Barack Obama wearing traditional Muslim garb—sandals, robe and turban—and his wife, Michelle—dressed in camouflage, combat boots and an assault rifle strapped over her shoulder—standing in the Oval Office.

The couple is doing a fist tap in front of a fireplace in which an American flag is burning. Over the mantel hangs a portrait of Osama bin Laden.

Yowch! What’s really interesting is that New Yorker is scarcely known as a right-wing journal.

Overall, the Chief likes it…although maybe it IS just a bit over the top…then again…NAH…they deserve it!