…Another big DUH!

Higher CO2 levels may be good for plants: German scientists

The dangerous rise in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere may be troubling scientists and world leaders but it could prove to be a boon for plants, German researchers said Tuesday. Increasing exposure to carbon dioxide appears to boost crop yields, Hans-Joachim Weigel of the Johann Heinrich von Thuenen Institute for rural areas, forestry and fisheries in the central city of Brunswick told AFP.

The Chief has been teaching high school science for 25 years. Allow a BRIEF summary of some truly BASIC biochemistry:

Plants are CARBON-based life forms. They gain most of their CARBON out of the atmosphere in the form of CARBON dioxide, and then via photosynthesis assemble this CARBON into CARBOhydrate in the form of glucose sugar, which provides the energy basis for our life on Earth.

In other words, CARBON dioxide is the primary building material plants use for production of food and ultimately everything else they make like proteins, nucleic acids, starches, cellulose, and any other carbohydrates like fructose, sucrose, etc. all of which are once again (this IS the important point) CARBON BASED, with the CARBON coming from CARBON dioxide.

So exactly why these German scientists are announcing this as a significant scientific discovery, somewhat baffles the Chief.

No wonder we won the war!