B.O. Flies Flags of Convenience

A couple of salient items concerning B.O.

New and Not Improved

Senator Barack Obama stirred his legions of supporters, and raised our hopes, promising to change the old order of things. He spoke with passion about breaking out of the partisan mold of bickering and catering to special pleaders, promised to end President Bush’s abuses of power and subverting of the Constitution and disowned the big-money power brokers who have corrupted Washington politics.

Now there seems to be a new Barack Obama on the hustings.

The New York Times Slimes is concerned over B.O. moving many of his earlier positions towards center-right…the Chief wonders why they would be surprised?

If one favors a candidate that has no apparent bedrock of fundamental principles, what’s the surprise when positions and policies change with the wind. Isn’t that sort of relativism nothing more or less than what has been advocated by social-democratic liberalism for say, the last 100 years or so?

So what’s the surprise when this is put into practice. Maybe they will begin to finally learn a big lesson – that ultimately character (or it’s lack) DOES count.

Meanwhile, B.O.’s own words promise to privide a well-stocked magazine full of ammo to use to further discredit what passes through his fuzzy mind as alleged thought:

Obama’s own voice may haunt him

Barack Obama has proved to be a difficult target to hit — just ask Hillary Rodham Clinton. Opposition researchers, though, hope that they’ve found a weapon to wound Obama in his own voice as recorded for the Grammy Award-winning audio version of his 1995 memoir, “Dreams from My Father.”

While candidates often have their own words turned against them in attack ads, it’s one thing to see past statements in block text and something else entirely to hear the same words in the office-seeker’s own voice.

“I think the audio version makes a much more immediate impact” than the print version of his memoir, said conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt, who has played audio excerpts from the book on his syndicated radio show. “It turns out to be very jarring to many ears to hear Obama talking about his youthful adventures, his attitudes on race.”

The Chief is sure that we’ll all hear much more of this before November. HEH HEH HEH.