Global Warming Again…or Not

Hurricane season defying forecasts

In May, government forecasters predicted 13 to 16 tropical storms, eight to 10 of which could grow into hurricanes, during the six-month Atlantic hurricane season that started June 1. The hurricane center will update its forecast Tuesday.

If we can’t manage reliable forecasts for a period of several months, we’re supposed to believe that the decades-out forecasts of alleged “human-induced global warming” are a valid basis for costly if not ruinous political and economic policies?

Short answer: DON’T believe it. If we DO have global warming, look to the sun as the driver for it. By the way, the Chief wishes he had a buck ($) for every time recently he has noted some talking head on the tube talking about a possible ice age caused by global warming. (Talk about an example of Orwellian “doublethink”!)