Democratic Congressional Candidate’s Ties to Bizarre AIDS Research
Injecting PEOPLE with MALARIA on the totally insane moonbat theory that this will “cure” AIDS?! Well, maybe, I mean death from malaria WOULD “eliminate” an AIDS case, wouldn’t it?
Not only this, but a Donk candidate doing this…a taste of “change” to come under a Donk health plan?
The Democratic congressional candidate in Ohio, Dr. Victoria Wulsin, is being attacked by her Republican opponent for her work looking into a widely debunked theory that AIDS can be cured with malaria. The controversial treatment, known as “malariotherapy”, has been denounced by leading AIDS researchers as dangerous, scientifically unfounded and unethical.
U.S. Representative Jean Schmidt (R-OH), locked in a tight race with Wulsin for an Ohio congressional seat, recently sent out a fund-raising letter sharply denouncing Wulsin for her work on a malariotherapy project. The letter states that “Wulsin’s contempt for the culture of life has even led her to participate in grotesque medical experiments. Wulsin was paid for her work in medical “studies” where victims of AIDS in Africa and China were…injected with the malaria virus, all in the name of “scientific inquiry.”
Dr. Mengele would have approved no doubt…using African untermenschen as human guinea pigs like this, while Dr. Wulsin would have qualified for a hot-seat at Nuremberg in 1946.
Wulsin was paid to review data from these studies conducted in China (of course!) and Africa. It’s worth noting, that previous use of data from Nazi sources has been widely criticized as being unethical…how much more so to be involved with projects generating MORE data under similarly unethical conditions?
And this is the party the Blacks overwhelmingly favor? Sheeesh!