The Brink of Madness
Although the Chief has previously noted aspects of the current situation and the parallels to the historical events of the 30’s. The Chief humbly admits to NOT achieving the standards of this piece by the redoubtable VDH from National Review, which is extremely alarming to anyone with half of a historical brain.
When I used to read about the 1930s – the Italian invasion of Abyssinia, the rise of fascism in Italy, Spain, and Germany, the appeasement in France and Britain, the murderous duplicity of the Soviet Union, and the racist Japanese murdering in China – I never could quite figure out why, during those bleak years, Western Europeans and those in the United States did not speak out and condemn the growing madness….it is still surreal to reread the fantasies of Chamberlain, Daladier, and Pope Pius, or the stump speeches by Charles Lindbergh (“Their [the Jews’] greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio, and our government”) or Father Coughlin (“Many people are beginning to wonder whom they should fear most – the Roosevelt-Churchill combination or the Hitler-Mussolini combination.”) – and baffling to consider that such men ever had any influence.
Not any longer.
Our present generation too is on the brink of moral insanity. That has never been more evident than in the last three weeks, as the West has proven utterly unable to distinguish between an attacked democracy that seeks to strike back at terrorist combatants, and terrorist aggressors who seek to kill civilians.
Read it and weep – and then get more bullets – you might need them!