Nothing is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, …

GPS failing? Blame the Northern Lights

Scientists have discovered that the natural light shows of the Northern Lights – or Aurora Borealis – interfere with the signals from global positioning satellites, which are used by sat-navs to pinpoint the locations of vehicles, boats and aircraft.

The intense electrical activity created in the atmosphere by the Northern Lights decreases the accuracy of the system, telling drivers that they are on a road they are not actually on or causing receivers to lose track of their position entirely.

Being able to read a map, the Chief personally thinks that while GPS is kind of neat stuff, it’s a bit of overkill for automotive travel. Now, if he were sailing a 35 ft. sloop from San Diego to Nuku Hiva, that’s another story…but even then, he had better know D.I.Y navigation…just in case!