How are these things related? If you have a little bit of time, and are willing to think, read this:
In a world where a snob like Michael Moore and a smug manipulator like Al Gore can win Oscars for “documentaries” that play fast and loose with the truth, it’s ironic that Ben Stein’s Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, which makes a serious effort to tell the truth about a problem that’s seriously damaging our civilization, not only won’t get nominated for an Oscar but will certainly be attacked as anti-scientific.
This is the opposite of the truth, or very nearly so. Ben Stein’s film project was to expose the way rigid insistence on Darwinist dogma is expelling not only brilliant individuals but also truth itself from the public conversation of science.
This is one of the best discussions of these issues that the Chief has encountered…well worth the read.
Good article, what I find fun, is the scientific groups at diss ID, seem to have no problems with mankind have fun with the genetic code of life.