Chickens Coming Home to Roost

GOP Stunned By Loss in Mississippi

In a major blow to national Republicans, a Mississippi congressional seat that once voted for President Bush by a twenty-five point margin elected a Democrat on Tuesday. Prentiss County Chancery Clerk Travis Childers beat out Republican candidate Greg Davis, the mayor of Southaven, by a 54%-46% margin, a spread that several Republican strategists on Capitol Hill characterized as a startling wake-up call for a party in dire straits.

Too many RINOs, too few principles. Given a choice between the Donks, and the GOP version of Donk-lite, the real thing wins every time.

If the GOP’s alleged leadership doesn’t get some cojones and return to the principles that fueled the Reagan revolution, then the party will go the way of the Whigs, and something else, more willing to take a stand on the principles that were behind the establishment of the American republic…and if it’s not politically correct…then f-em if they can’t take the joke.